Kids Tag

Teens - the earlier you start Pilates the better! Why? Because you’re building an inner dictionary of “intelligent movement” that will help your coordination, flexibility, strength and speed. Great coordination is one of the building blocks of successful fitness, plus helps you look tall and...

Karin Ubbiali is Flex’s Children and Teen Pilates instructor. She has been imparting the wonderful expertise of Joseph Pilates to her young clients for two years and loves her job. She believes, “You are never too young to start doing Pilates!”...

The health of today's children is compromised by a culture of convenience and increasingly sedentary activity. Eating fast food, watching TV and playing video games has become habitual while a nutritious diet and physical activity is on the downslide. A recent report from the Institute of...

Do your kids like music? Dance? Yoga, martial arts, action and fun? In that case they’ll love the new Les Mills BORN TO MOVE™ group classes launching at Flex this month. Les Mills is no ordinary fitness company. They created some of the most popular...

Healthy fun! Vibrant energy, lively chatter and unabashed excitement - that was the atmosphere at our Teen Open House event on Saturday 31st January 2015. Over 30 teens came along to try our Pilates Allegro, Yoga, and Flying Pilates classes!  Each of them left energized and...

[vc_row css_animation="" row_type="row" use_row_as_full_screen_section="no" type="full_width" angled_section="no" text_align="left" background_image_as_pattern="without_pattern"][vc_column width="1/6"][/vc_column][vc_column width="2/3"][vc_column_text] Musculoskeletal and postural problems in teenagers are on the rapid increase. Three members of our Flex team, Donna Gee (DG) Physiotherapist, Karin Ubbali (KU) Teen Allegro and mat Pilates instructor, and Cheng-Fang Wu (CFW) Teen Allegro and Xtend...

By Flex Teen Ambassador, Hope Patterson If you think all teenagers just want to spend the weekends lying in bed, think again. For many Hong Kong students, physical fitness, competitive sport and feeling energetic are part of their weekly ritual. In a bid to prove this, I...

It’s back to school time! Back to slouching over books, over desks and computers, studying after hours, eyes glazed from the glare of a screen. But will all that brain work alone be enough to unleash our kids’ full potential? What if giving them a chance...

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