Transformation Begins Here.
Read our insights on fitness
and holistic health.
The Flex Salad Has Arrived
Komune in Wong Chuk Hang serves delicious lunches for that also target the health-conscious. And now, they have…
Green Lean Cuisine!
People keep asking us for a green soup recipe that tastes delicious and is a powerhouse of nutrients….
My Staff Love Working Out Together
Working out with colleagues is super fun. But don’t take our word for it. This boss explains how…
Pilates For Sport Really Works
Do you run or love road biking? Read on to hear how Pilates had transformed trainer Gilson Melo’s…
Balance In A Blender
This quick-fix recipe comes courtesy of Viv Kan, Flex’s newest yoga recruit and a pro when it comes…
This Is What Modern Bodies Need
Vivian Kan used to spend her days in an office working in financial services. Now, each and every…
It’s Time To Rebalance
The new year is well and truly under way. But have you already lost sight of your wellness…
The Benefits Of Being Intense
You may remember the first time you learnt to swim. It wasn’t easy at first, but after a…
The Metabolism Myth
Who would think the humble hummingbird would factor into a weight loss scenario. Why? It has the highest…
Simple Detox Yoga Sequence
Yoga and detoxes go hand in hand. Together, they strengthen, energize and imbue a sense of wellbeing and…
The Detox Queen Is Drinking This Now
It’s warming, tasty and soothes the soul, which is just what you need from a hot drink in…
Are You A PhilanthroFIT
It’s a thing. Seriously. And it’s a very good thing, too.
Basically, the new trend of being a Philanthrofit…