

Transformation Begins Here.
Read our insights on fitness
and holistic health.

The Flex Salad Has Arrived
Komune in Wong Chuk Hang serves delicious lunches for that also target the health-conscious. And now, they have…
Green Lean Cuisine!
People keep asking us for a green soup recipe that tastes delicious and is a powerhouse of nutrients….
Chocolate Maca Rebalancing Smoothie
Balance In A Blender
This quick-fix recipe comes courtesy of Viv Kan, Flex’s newest yoga recruit and a pro when it comes…
The Metabolism Myth
Who would think the humble hummingbird would factor into a weight loss scenario. Why? It has the highest…
Jessica Williams Simkin
Simple Detox Yoga Sequence
Yoga and detoxes go hand in hand. Together, they strengthen, energize and imbue a sense of wellbeing and…
Save The Children Flex Studio
Are You A PhilanthroFIT
It’s a thing. Seriously. And it’s a very good thing, too. Basically, the new trend of being a Philanthrofit…
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