Flying High

Posted on February 6, 2015

aerial pilates

Joseph Pilates was passionate that his method of fitness would be incorporated into the lives of children and teens.  Flying Pilates not only opens up a fun way for teens to learn the fundamentals of Pilates, but also provides a great option for adults looking for a different spin on their usual workouts.

Here, Emily Tan, Flying Pilates & Aerial instructor at Flex, talks us through the origins of this unique method of Pilates, what it is, and how to get started:


Where did Aerial / Flying Pilates originate?

Historically, Aerial Arts were exclusively taught within the circus arena. However, more recently, modern circus inspired by Cirque du Soleil has adopted many aerial techniques, which has brought this exquisite art to a larger audience.

Aerialists use many different Pilates based methods to train and condition their bodies for gravity-defying circus performances. Aerial Pilates was born because many people loved the fitness benefits of Aerial training without the desire to become an Aerialist.


How does it work?

Aerial Pilates is a fusion of Pilates and Aerial Silks.  The fabric hammock is secured into a sling, which is hung about 3 to 4 feet above the ground, and creates a deliberately unstable environment in order to challenge your Pilates practice.

The combination creates a fun, challenging workout that introduces anti-gravity benefits such as decompression of the spine and joints, increased stretching and elongation and core strength building.

Drawing various elements from flexibility training, yoga, strength training as well as aerial arts; it’s not only a fun way to lose weight and stay fit, but also a great training tool for athletes particularly those in need of rehabilitation.


How difficult is it to stay balanced?

Everyone is different, and some people may be able to gain balance faster than others, however with a little work, most people gain their balance within the first session.  The benefits are worth a bit of perseverance.


What age group is it best suited to Flying Pilates?

All ages!  Flex offers classes from 8 years old upwards.


What are the key benefits of Aerial Pilates?

Aerial Pilates focuses on achieving optimum posture, improved alignment and core stability with the benefits of increased proprioception, balance, fitness and general well-being:

  • Increases flexibility and muscular strength
  • Strengthens and stretches core muscles
  • Decompresses and realigns the spine and tight joints
  • Increases physical awareness
  • Provides cardio vascular training
  • Releases muscular tension
  • Refreshes the circulatory, digestive and lymphatic system
  • Lightens mood!


What advice would you give a first timer?

  • Wear comfortable clothing, nothing loose
  • Remove any dangling jewelry that could get caught in the fabric
  • Wash any moisturizer or oils from your hands
  • Avoid eating heavy meals or caffeine two hours prior to your first class
  • Most importantly – for those who are apprehensive, don’t be scared, keep an open mind and give it a go!


Flying Pilates for Adults at Flex

Tuesday  |  6.15pm – 7.15pm

One Island South Studio

Book Now



Aerial Fun for Teens with Emily Tan

Saturday 28 February 2015  |  1pm – 2.30pm

One Island South

Discover the fun of Aerial Arts in this Teen Aerial Hammock workshop! Aerial Hammock incorporates postures from aerial yoga, conditioning methods of Flying Pilates, strength training of circus silks and artistic presentation of aerial dance. This workshop is designed for teens and their rapidly growing bodies- learn fun inversions and hangs, which de-compress the spine and hip joints, while mentally releasing them from the stress of school.  Limited spaces available.

Book Now

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