How to Snack Smarter!
It’s 4pm and that little voice in your head is telling you to reach for a packet of crisps. Yet those extra kilos are still lingering – and you’ve still got a dinner to go to that night.
How to Snack Smarter! Read More »
It’s 4pm and that little voice in your head is telling you to reach for a packet of crisps. Yet those extra kilos are still lingering – and you’ve still got a dinner to go to that night.
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It’s not just what you eat. It’s also highly likely that it’s when. There are a few scientific global studies and researchers say more are needed, but so far, results show that eating irregularly – skipping meals and gorging at random times, for example, is linked to a higher risk of high blood pressure, type
Is When You Eat The Key To Weight Loss? Read More »
How is your diet? Do you struggle to eat mostly healthy wholefoods? Are your veggies from supermarkets rather than farmer’s markets? Do you find it difficult to buy and eat organic in Hong Kong? And… are you under any stress? If the answer to any of these questions is a yes, then you might want to consider a detox or supplementing your diet with vitamins and minerals to maintain optimum health. Flex instructor Jessica Williams’ supps give a great foundation of health and will soon be available at Flex studios.
Health-Boosting Supplements Coming to Flex! Read More »
Five years ago, Lisa Lam was working as a fashion buyer in Hong Kong. The hours were long and it was a stressful environment. “I was getting a lot of digestive issues and other health conditions to the point I knew I had to do something about it,” she says. As a start, Lisa cut back
Ever wondered how that one athlete makes it to the finish line first, despite his or her competitors being as well trained, strong and capable? Or how do you get that niggling injury to finally become a distant memory? For proponents of the Feldenkrais Method – an exercise therapy that aims to reorganize connections
The Class Where You Let It All Go Read More »
Calm backache, quieten allergies, soothe anxiety and feel uplifted – all these and more are within 20 second’s reach with essential oils. Just a few drops of these fragrant, healing tools can help a multitude of issues, both physical and emotional. “Essential oils can affect your responses, your thoughts, feelings and actions throughout your daily
Essential oils to the rescue Read More »
Boost healing and banish stress with lavender, tea tree and frankincense, three of the most universally loved and used oils. These are the ones to carry in your bag or have in the house for everyday issues, or the ones to look out for on product ingredient lists. Lavender Lavender oil is a great reliever
Top 3 Genius Essential Oils for Everyday Living Read More »
There really is no downside to going on retreat. A welcome and well-deserved escape from the urban jungle, a retreat offers a stress-free zone where your shoulders are finally able to drop from somewhere around your ears and your mind slows its rolladexing of chores, deadlines and responsibilities. You learn new skills, you bathe in vitamin D and various spa therapies, you delight in beautiful, tasty and nutritious food. And what’s best, it recharges you for a fresh perspective on life when you return home.
Escape the city for Flex’s rejuvenating retreat Read More »
No, this is not about flossing between the vertebrae. Like our dental hygiene, we should care for our spines on a daily basis. Hint: sitting all day is not called ‘the new smoking’ for nothing, and can have dire postural and pain consequences. Spinal hygiene teaches us to be mindful of our habits and posture. It reminds us to practice healthy movement. Dr Gillian Tsang, a Chiropractor and Schroth Best Practice therapist, talks us through healthy spinal habits to practice daily and how to avoid typical spinal pitfalls.
What is Spinal Hygiene and How Can We Get it? Read More »
Back pain? Sciatica? Headaches? Sinusitis? Creaky, stiff muscles? If you have any of these chronic and on-going issues, working on the fascial system may just be your solution. Myofascial Release (MFR) eases the fascia, a fibrous network that covers the entire body from the crown of the head to the soles of the feet. It can help restore flexibility and range of motion, ease tension to muscles, organs and tissues, and improve the function of the nervous and circulatory systems.
What is Myofascial Release and why do you need to know about it? Read More »