
Summer Camp

Want Your Kids To Move More?

Be the example. That’s how simple it is.

There are no excuses, because you don’t have to be a physical fitness hero to do that.

“Many of us think that being a healthy example to their children is hard work,” says Flex director Heather Thomas Shalabi, “but it’s really as simple as finding some time – any time – to get any kind of physical activity into your day.

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Flex Cadillac

Is This The Boost You Need?

Do not be afraid of trying the Pilates Cadillac – which we know does initially resemble playground apparatus – found in Flex’s private training studios.
Of all Joseph Pilates creations, this large and detailed piece of equipment suits everyone from complete beginners to seasoned practitioners. And it could be just the thing to get you going again if your practice has been waning.
Furthermore, Pilates instructors love teaching on it.

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Classical Pilates

Why Decompressing The Spine Is So Important

We hear this term a lot – decompressing the spine. But what does it really mean and why is it important that we do it? Joseph Pilates famously said, “you’re as young as your spine is flexible”, among other catchy phrases. But many of us still take our all-important spines for granted – slouching, not moving enough, moving too much the wrong way or putting pressure on it with various daily activities. In essence, spinal discs become compressed.

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