5 Tips To End The Year On A Holiday High

Posted on December 12, 2022

Flex Director Heather Thomas shares some tips for how to get through the festive season in a calm and balanced manner, so the holidays CAN live up to all your expectations.

“‘Tis better to give than receive.”  Ever wonder about this expression? Why IS giving better than receiving?  At the end of the day, we’re all simply energy. Giving promotes an increase in energy, whereas receiving can, at times, be depleting. Striking the right balance between the two creates harmony. The key to preserving yourself during the holidays and finishing the year rejuvenated rather than depleted is to keep your energy exchanges balanced.

By energy exchanges, I mean interactions with others, and reactions to situations. This may be the first year families finally gather after several years to celebrate in big groups.  We are all eagerly looking forward to reconnecting with loved ones… but no doubt there will be some stress around these reunions.

Sometimes however, the issue may be one’s perception of energy exchange, i.e. miscommunication.   We may think we’re selflessly offering something, but the person on the receiving end has a different idea. Or, we feel all we do is give and give, without receiving as much in exchange. “I did all the cooking and cleaning, while everyone else sat around chatting after dinner.”

How can we get through the holidays in a calm and balanced manner? From my personal experience, these five tips have helped me the most:

Tip #1:  Make everything inclusive. Invite others into your process, from simple household tasks to talking through what’s on your mind.  This ensures you don’t end up single-handedly trying to tackle things which deplete your energy, from washing up, to wrapping presents, to “dive deep” conversations into the night exchanging family gossip.

Tip #2: Ask for help when needed, and be open to how that manifests. Perhaps a relative completes a task slightly different to how you might have approached it. Be ready to learn a new way, and keep perspective on what really matters in the big picture.  No judgment here, the task is complete.   Don’t sweat the little details.

Tip #3: Don’t obsess over “perfection,” which may only be in your mind’s eye after all. You may perceive flaws which no one else even notices.  Table not set perfectly?  Turkey not brined long enough?  Hmmm.  Try to maintain a balanced perspective.

Tip #4: Inclusive Movement! All too often we let our exercise routine slip over the holidays; however, this is exactly when we need to keep producing those mood-boosting endorphins.  Feel the urge for a brisk walk after dinner? Invite the fam to join!  Maybe they don’t walk as fast as you… never mind!  Enjoy the company and the chance to move together. Have a spare 30 minutes before lunch or dinner is served? Grab someone for a quick sweat or stretch sesh. I guarantee you’ll both end up smiling and laughing… can’t beat that for bonding. In fact, I invite you to grab your MOST annoying relative to join you in these sessions, and see if that doesn’t help change your personal dynamics.

Tip #5: Create a “theme” for the gathering, around which a narrative is crafted through everyone’s contributions. Perhaps everyone wears a certain “hat,” or “contribites a joke or quote.” following a specific narrative.  Perhaps gift giving is around a specific theme.   In the future, you’ll have this cohesive memory which will help preserve the magic of your gathering. “Oh, remember the “Lucky Charm” lunch?  That was such a lovely time.”

In short, relax, it’s the holidays.  Personal interaction with loved ones is the most luxurious gift after all.   When you start to feel resistance, take a deep breath and channel inclusion instead.  Then cherish the moments which ensue!

Have the most wonderful holidays!

With all our best wishes, the Flex Family!

If you want to share the gift of fitness this festive season, Flex Gift Certificates are available in holiday stationery.

Regular Pilates Gift Set (1 Reformer, 1 Trio, 1 Group) HK$1,288.

Deluxe Pilates Gift (1 Assessment, 1 Reformer, 1 Trio, 1 Group) HK$1,888.

For more information, visit flexhk.com/promotions 

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