Introduction to Aerial

Posted on November 28, 2017

Week 1: Laying the Foundation. In order to fly you must first let go!

  • What to wear when doing Aerial
  • What to and not to eat before and after class
  • What not to bring to your Aerial class
  • Finding comfort in the initial discomfort
  • History and Inception of the Harrison Hammock
  • Principles: Plumbline, Weight Distribution, Tension vs Slack


Week 2: Open up Be Free. Open space in body and mind.

  • Decompression vs Compression Ratio for optimal health
  • Ultimate Joint Mobility Movement
  • Active traction vs Passive traction
  • Deep Tissue Myofascial Massage techniques
  • Understanding your Body Type in the Harrison Hammock
  • Levity is more important that perfection

Week 3: Aerial Yoga. Healing comes from within, not from without.

  • Levitating Meditations
  • Aerial Vinyasa Movement
  • Aerial Asana Training (beginner & intermediate)
  • Pranayama in the Harrison Hammock
  • Suspended Bandha Activation
  • Healing your Energy Body

Week 4: Suspension Fitness. Use it or lose it!

  • HIIT on the Harrison Hammock
  • Aerial Core Conditioning
  • Aerial Hammock Flips and Tricks (beginner & intermediate)
  • Agility Training
  • Nutrition > Exercise and Tips for Success


*The classes will consist of a 60 min movement session and 15 min lecture and discussion.

*Students can register for Central or One Island South – cannot mix

*If students miss a lesson, there is no make up

*Must register and pay in full. No drop ins


Island South (12 maximum per class)

Tuesdays 7.30PM

Central   (8 maximum per class)

Wednesdays 8.45AM


4 x 75 minute classes per week at One Island South or Central

Early bird register before December 31st: $1400 HKD

Late register: $1560 HKD

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